Thursday 1 December 2011

The Plan

So I have now designed my wolf and have the reference images which means I am now ready to start modeling. Before I start modeling I have come up with a workflow. I am going to model the wolf to a reasonably high detail in Maya. I am then going to take the wolf model and import it into ZBrush where I will sculpt the fur onto the model and add some higher detail, I will also try to add more detail to the face of the wolf. I will rebuild any bad topology in ZBrush as this is a new technique that I learnt and would like to put my new knowledge to use. I am also considering Polypainting to texture the wolf. I am considering Polypainting the wolf because this was something that I recently learnt the basics of and found very interesting. I found that it is a completely different texturing process compared to what I am use to. Hopefully by Polypainting the wolf I will learn more about Polypainting and will hopefully get a different texturing style compared to the texturing style that I usually get from texturing in Adobe Photoshop. In the future I may look into removing the sculpted fur and learning and applying hair dynamics to my wolf model to try and create the fur. I think that this would really bring the wolf to life.   

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